A citizen is an individual who
...A citizen is an individual who
has the legal and political rights in a country
has lived in a country for sometime
enjoys only economic rights
enjoys immunity in the country
Correct answer is A
Citizen; is a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized.
Which of the following factors limits universal adult suffrage? ...
The legislative in Nigeria under the 1999 Constitution is composed of ...
One of the major defects of the Nigerian council which necessitated its replacement was that.... ...
The process of pressure groups trying to influence legislation is known as ...
Before the emergence of OAU as a regional body, Nigeria belonged to ...
The media can best contribute to the democratic process of a country by ...
A political system which empowers the leader with the ultimate responsibility to execute laws is ...
Any constitution that has special rules for its amendment is said to be ...