Diplomatic and parliamentary immunities put limitations o...
Diplomatic and parliamentary immunities put limitations on
the rule of law
separation of powers
checks and balances
foreign policies
Correct answer is A
The Rule of Law is an important contribution of the British Constitution. It means that in the eyes of the law all persons, whether big or small, the highest government official or ordinary citizen, a big capitalist or a poor man, are equal. It also means that in the eyes of law, there is no privileged class. But certain diplomatic immunities retrain the effect of the rule of law
One way by which the legislature checks the executive is by ...
A citizen can participate in the politics of his country by ...
One of the main objectives of the African Union (AU) is to ...
A constitution is a legal document _________ ...
A member of the Commonwealth that was not colonized by Britain is ...
__________ was a major factor that contributed to the rise of the Sokoto Caliphate. ...
An advantage of delegated legislation is that it ...
Citizens exercise their sovereignty by ...
Some pre-colonial West African governments were democratic because of the existence of ...