Diplomatic and parliamentary immunities put limitations o...
Diplomatic and parliamentary immunities put limitations on
the rule of law
separation of powers
checks and balances
foreign policies
Correct answer is A
The Rule of Law is an important contribution of the British Constitution. It means that in the eyes of the law all persons, whether big or small, the highest government official or ordinary citizen, a big capitalist or a poor man, are equal. It also means that in the eyes of law, there is no privileged class. But certain diplomatic immunities retrain the effect of the rule of law
Which of the following political system discourages socialism? ...
The principle of separation of powers is best practiced in the ...
An elected politician represents all the following except ...
The type of government where the central authority is superior to the component authorities is a ...
The constitution that introduced restricted franchise into Nigerian politics was the ...
The fear of domination in the public service led to the ...
Political values are acquired in any given society through ...
A common feature of government is ...
Nigeria's relations with Britain was at a very low ebb under the ...