One of the features of an absolute monarch is that the ru...
One of the features of an absolute monarch is that the ruler
is elected by the electorate
has a definite tenure of office
is elected by the representatives of the people
wields the supreme power in a state
Correct answer is D
Absolute monarchy, or absolutism, meant that the ultimate authority to run a state was in the hands of a king who ruled by divine right.
An undesireable attribute of capitalism is mostly seen in ...
To have an orderly society a state needs ...
Concurrent list in a federal constitution issues within the legislative powers of the ...
The sovereignty of a state can be limited to a great extent by ...
The guiding principle of communism is from each according to his/her ...
An important feature of the traditional government in West Africa was the Council of ...
Zionism resulted in the establishment of the state of ...
The highest decision-making body under the Gowon Regime was the ...