Provision of political education through rallies and news...
Provision of political education through rallies and newspapers is a function of _________
political parties
pressure groups
educated elite
the clergy
Correct answer is A
Functions of political parties
Which of the following is a means of limiting the rule of law? ...
Government maintains law and order through the following except ________? ...
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) is one of the socialized agencies of the ...
Frequents military coup d'etats which topple elected governments negatively affect and stall&nbs...
Nationalism prior to the second world war was led by? ...
The following issues are some of the challenges the United Nations (UN) addresses except ...
A common feature of a multi-party system is that government is formed by ...
Zionism resulted in the establishment of the state of ...
Which of the following can aid in the formation of public opinion? ...
When an election fails to produce a clear winner, the process of determining a winner is called...