Military intervention into the politics of a state involv...
Military intervention into the politics of a state involves ______
an overthrow of a legitimate government by pressure groups
the seizure of power from a legitimate government by the armed forces
violent overthrow of a democratic government by the police
the legitimate seizure of power by the police and civilians
Correct answer is B
A military government is generally any government that is administrated bymilitary forces, whether this government is legal or not under the laws of the jurisdiction at issue, and whether this government is formed by natives or by an occupying power.
The United Nations Organization (UNO)was founded in 1945 as a successor to the ...
Which document serves as the constitution of the United Nations? ...
A.V.Dicey popularized the principle of ...
Under military governments local authorities issue bye-laws while state governments issue ...
Auditing the accounts of public corporations amounts to ...
One of these is a major problem of the Nigerian civil service ...
In the legislative process, a bill is a ...
Which of the following is the lowest in the hierarchy of a feudal system? ...