The export of West African countries are mostly composed ...
The export of West African countries are mostly composed of
Raw materials
Manufactured goods
Consumer goods
Correct answer is B
Raw material, also known as a feedstock, unprocessed material, or primary commodity, is a basic material that is used to produce goods, finished products, energy, or intermediate materials which are feedstock for future finished products. As feedstock, the term connotes these materials are bottleneck assets and are highly important with regard to producing other products.
Occupational mobility as applied to factors of production means the ease by which ...
It is impossible to satisfy all human wants because ...
Which of the following assets of the commercial bank does not yield revenue? ...
The term "Money at call and short notice" in a bank's assets represents the bank's...
The current stage of the economy is depicted in curve 1. Point P suggests that the economy is ...
Palm oil industry is located in Old Bendel State because the state_____ ...
A scientific approach in economic analysis entails ...
Which of the following is NOT an internal dis-economy of scales? ...