As he is past his teens now, he can look for<...
In the question given below, a part of the sentence is in bold and italicised. Below are given alternatives to the bold and italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, choose option 'D' as the answer.
As he is past his teens now, he can look for himself.
No improvement
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Learn a kind of tenderness towards the vanity of others. And indeed towards all their prejudice...
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Four words are given below. Find out the word, of which the spelling is WRONG. Choose option 'E&...
The thief ...... all the money. ...
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When the national anthem was being sung, everyone were standing in silence. ...
Samantha's heart ...... at the sight of the beautiful diamond necklace. ...
She said that her brother was getting married. ...
When the lionesses go in search for their prey, they are very ...