While we would like that all Indian Children ...
In the question given below, a part of the sentence is in bold and italicised. Below are given alternatives to the bold and italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, choose option 'D' as the answer.
While we would like that all Indian Children to go to school, we need to ponder why they do not.
that all the Indian children
if all the children of India
all Indian children
No improvement
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
His behaviour is so unpredictable that he ...... ...
Finally the bureaucratic organisation took over from the pioneering enterprise. The 19th centur...
S1: All the land was covered by the ocean. P : The leading god fought the monster, killed it and ...
The little girl said to her mother, "Did the sun rise in the East?" ...
He found a wooden broken chair in the room. ...
The patient recover so fast that the expert doctors also were surprised. ...