The West African Youth League (WAYL) was a nationalist mo...
The West African Youth League (WAYL) was a nationalist movement found by
ITA Wallace-Johnson
J.E. Casely Hayford
Samuel Akisanya
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following constitutions is more suitable for centralization of political power? ...
Quota system and federal character principles were entrenched in the 1979 constitution to ensure ...
The second ballot is based on the principle that a successful candidate must obtain ...
A major objective of the public Complaints Commission is ...
In the tradition, Hausa-Fulani political system, political authority was vested in the ________...
State as a political entity refers to ...
The official routine observed in carrying out functions in the civil service is commonly k...
The simple plurality electoral system is often criticized because _________ ...
The excessive power of the traditional rulers in the pre-colonial era could checked by ________ ...