A system of government in which people elect their lawmak...
A system of government in which people elect their lawmakers and make them accountable for their actions and inactions in government is
a representative government
first-past-the-post government
an oligarchy government
checks and balances system of government
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Tubman Goldie was famous for the ...
The organs of government which are normally fused in a military regime are the ...
A major issue that distinguishes pressure groups from political parties is the ... ...
Membership of a society is ...
A multi-member constituency is one in which ...
Nigeria's top contribution to Africa's agenda of decolonisation and anti-racism was mostly e...
The Judicial Service Commission is vested with the power to recommend suitable persons for appo...
A typical form of delegated legislation is ...
The verdicts of judges which are binding on lower courts are called judicial ...
Which of the following is not associated with local government elections? ...