Do not be angry is an admonition in Nawawi Hadith
...Do not be angry is an admonition in Nawawi Hadith
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following Prophets,according to the Qur’an, lived for not less than nine hundred ...
The basic theme of sūrah al-Zil Zāl is the description of ...
The lady who corrected caliphah umar when he erred in citing a tradition was ...
The earliest written records of West African history were written in Arabic because ...
Absolute obedience to the Prophet's teaching is stated in an-Nawawi's Hadith ...
One of the following is not required in Umrah? ...
The first man created by Allah was called _____ (ASW) ...
The hastening between safa and marwah reminds pilgrims of ...
One of the condition for a legal marriage is the presence of ...
Sujudut - tilawah is unique because it is connected with the Qu'ran ...