Abu Iahab was so nicknamed because of his
...Abu Iahab was so nicknamed because of his
Correct answer is D
Abu lahab was so nicknamed because of his arrogance. His original name was 'Abd al-'Uzzā, but his father called him Abū Lahab ("Father of Flame") "because of his beauty and charm" due to his red (inflamed) cheeks.
The first Mu'adh-Dhin in Islam is ...
Members of the Prophet’s family that embraced Islam the first day did so, on the basis of his ...
Which of the following Prophets,according to the Qur’an, lived for not less than nine hundred ...
A'isha was distinct from other wives of the prophet (SAW) because she ...
The verse above warns the Muslim ‘Ummah against ...
Q.2:219 prohibits wine and gambling for the Muslims because ...
‘Verily Allāh has prescribed the best behavior with regard to everything …’The a...
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