In his farewell sermon, the prophet admonished muslim to ...
In his farewell sermon, the prophet admonished muslim to hold fast to the
A daily prayers and giving alms
Six articles of his faith in islam
practice of his companions
Book of Allah and his sunnah
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the angels is in charge of paradise? ____ ...
Tabiyah is to be recited while moving to____ ...
The greatest contribution of ar-Razi to learning is in ...
Mutilation which is stipulated in Q. 5:38 for theft is described as ...
The term Quru' is used in relation to ...
‘Do not get angry’ This tradition from the 16th Hadith of annawawi has been repeated by...
The major teaching of Hadith 5 of an-Nawawi centres on ...
Muhammad's(SAW) marriage with Khadijah was blessed with ...
The central theme of Hadith No. 3 of al-Nawawi's collection is _______ ...