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Over the period 2005-2006, if sales (value-wise) of IBM P...

The first pie chart shows the distribution of New York market share by value of different computer companies in 2005.

The second pie chart shows the distribution of New York market share by volume of different computer companies in 2005.

Over the period 2005-2006, if sales (value-wise) of IBM PC's increased by 50% and of Apple by 15% assuming that PC sales of all other computer companies remained the same, by what percentage (approximately) would the PC sales in New York (value-wise) increase over the same period ?

Over the period 2005-2006, if sales (value-wise) of IBM PC's increased by 50% and of Apple by 15% assuming that PC sales of all other computer companies remained the same, by what percentage (approximately) would the PC sales in New York (value-wise) increase over the same period ?


16.1 %


18 %


14 %


None of these

Correct answer is A

If we assume the total sales to be 100 in the first year, IBM's sales would go up by 50% (from 28 to 42) contributing an increase of 14 to the total sales value.

Similarly, Apple's increase of 15% would contribute an increase of 2.1 to the total sales value. The net change would be 14 + 2.1 on 100. (i.e., 16.1%)