Find the correctly spelt word.
...Find the correctly spelt word.
Correct answer is A
Equanimity is a calm state of mind and attitude to life, so that you never lose your temper or become upset.
He went to his friend's house in the evening as was his wont. ...
His plan was so complicated that it floored his listeners. ...
Her parents will never give their ...... to so much an unsuitable match. ...
He was very disappointed when he found that someone else had secured higher marks. ...
Despite his best efforts to conceal his anger ...... ...
What is the synonym of ADMONISH? ...
What is the synonym of CORRESPONDENCE? ...
S1: The heart is the pump of life. P : They have even succeeded in heart transplants. Q : Nowa...
S1: It is regrettable that there is widespread corruption in the country at all levels. P : So th...