The division of the Qur'an into sixty equal parts is ...
The division of the Qur'an into sixty equal parts is known as
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
'Peace descending on the righteous throughout the night' The verse above is one of the major...
Women are admonished to dress modestly by the Qur'an so that ...
The man who analyzed the first encounter the Prophet (S.A.W) with Angel Jibril was ...
Taqrīr, as a kind of Sunnah, means the ...
Part of the 23rd Hadīth of al-Nawawi’s collection refers to purification as a ...
A lesson From suratul Humazah is that ...
In Sharīah, makrūh is an action which is ...
Which of the following factors is responsible for the compilation of al-Quran? ...
A hadith becomes mawdu when it ...
The gradual spiritual and moral development of Muslims was the wisdom behind the ...