The Hajj rite which is in the form of a physical exercise...
The Hajj rite which is in the form of a physical exercise is
Correct answer is D
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Suratul Asr has _____ verses. ...
The entrenchment of an Islamic economic system is aimed at ...
"Allāh doth command you To render back your Trusts To those to whom they are due; And when ye...
Part of the wisdom in instituting the ‘iddah in marriage is to ...
A rak'ah in salat starts with ...
Ar-Rahmān as one of the attributes of Allāh implies that He is ...
The state into which the pilgrim enters before the time of Hajj is ...
Fount (of abundance) was given to the Prophet (S.A.W) and made known to him in sūrah ...
The first revelation came to the prophet (SAW) in the year ...