The fourth source of shari'ah is
...The fourth source of shari'ah is
Correct answer is C
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The fountain (of abundance) was given to the Prophet (S.A.W) and made known to him in sūrah ...
During the Jihiliyya era, the Ka'aba was the center of poetic contest at the annual festival cal...
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was described as the seal of all prophets, meaning that he ...
Suratul Qadr (Q.97) is associated with ...
One major aim of marriage in Islam is to ...
Abdul-Muttalib is remebered in islamic history for his ...
Suratul Quraysh is known as Qu’ran chapter ...
Taking the ritual bath for Friday prayers is ...
Mutilation which is stipulated in Q. 5:38 for theft is described as ...
The minimum amount that may be stolen to warrant cutting off the hand is ...