Which of the following is NOT included in-measuring the N...
Which of the following is NOT included in-measuring the National income through the income approach?
Allowance given to an aged mother by a civil servant
Income earned by a bricklayer
Profit earned by Nigerian bottling company plc
Profit earned by NITEL plc
Salary earned by a doctor
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following is NOT a determinant of the size economically active population ...
A measure of national income used as comparison of standard of living among nations is ...
Which of the following will cause an increase in cost of production? ...
The rate of output per worker (or group of workers) per unit time is called ...
In order to increase revenue, government should tax commodities for which demand is ...
The real cost of a commodity is ...
The petroleum industry in Nigeria is an example of a ...
If the production of a large firm is higher than that of a small firm, it is experiencing ...