The legal statue of Jihad in Islam is
...The legal statue of Jihad in Islam is
fard ‘ain
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
A complete prayer ends with ...
The sources of the Sharī ‘ah include ...
The official compilation of Hadith was facilitated by ...
Ru'ya as a form of revelation has to do with ...
The term, Shari’ah refers to ...
The narrator of Hadith No. 1 of al-Nawawi's collections is ...
In view of the various favors bestowed on man by ‘Allāh as enumerated in Sūrah 56:57-74, man...
Hadith one of an-Nawawa's collection says that every man will be rewarded according to his ...
The day of Resurrection is called yamul-Hisab because of its ...