A Muslim who converts to another religion is known as
...A Muslim who converts to another religion is known as
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The verse (Q. 95.8) above means ‘Is Allah not’ ...
The prophet performed his Hijrah precisely in ...
The battle of uhud is so named because ...
In what ways did the Muslim leaders contribute to the spread of Islam in West Africa? ...
The Makkan forces were not successful at the battle of Khandaq because they ...
The Prophet was survived by only one child. This was___ ...
The total number of takbirat in the first rak'ah of salatul Eid is ...
In the law of inheritance, the term al-wasiyyah refers to ...
The attributes of Allah as contained in Q.59:23 are ...
Sujudut - tilawah is unique because it is connected with the Qu'ran ...