The Tafstr of the Glorious Qur’ān which is modern ...
The Tafstr of the Glorious Qur’ān which is modern in its approach to commentary is known as
at-tasstr bir-r 'ay
tafstr al-ma’thūr
tafstr al-madhāhib
at-tafstr al-'asri
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The state into which the pilgrim enters before the time of Hajj is ...
Abdul-Muttalib is remebered in islamic history for his ...
How many times does the word al-Qadr occur in Qur'an chapter 97? ...
The major teaching in Surah an-Nasr(Q. 110) is that ...
Imamul Bukhari was born in the year _____ A.H ...
The name al-Furqan implies that the Qur'an is a ...
How many times does the word al-Qadr occur in the Qur'an chapter 97? ...
In what ways did the Muslim leaders contribute to the spread of Islam in West Africa? ...
The central theme of Hadith No. 3 of al-Nawawi's collection is _______ ...