The memorization, recording and compilation of the Qur...
The memorization, recording and compilation of the Qur'ān ensured its
divine nature
divine authority
Correct answer is C
Memorizing and recording the Quran so that it can be the same in the future and there will not be any conflicting words, statement or teaching in the Quran shows it's authenticity and it's originality.
The following are sources of Shari'ah except? ...
One of the moral lessons in Q.17:23 apart from obedience to parents is ...
The Day of Judgement is described in ...
The day of Resurrection is called yamul-Hisab because of its ...
Jihad as an islamic concept is to ...
Prophet muhammed was called Al-amin because he was ...
The similarity between the Jihad of Uthman b. Fodio and the Prophet's hijrah in 622 C.E was the ...