The number of takbir observed during salah al-Janāzah is...
The number of takbir observed during salah al-Janāzah is
four “Sal a tul-Jamazah is a funeral prayer and it is Fardu Kifayah. It consists of two parts: 1. Four Takibirah. 2. Qayamah
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following prayers is not observed between Isha and Fajr? ...
Reference is made to migration of 622C.E in an-Nawawi's Hadith ...
The copy of the Glorious Qur'an in use was standardized during the period of Caliph ...
The verse which describes the essence of Allah is ...
Attainment of Allah's consciousness through fasting is mentioned in Qur'an 2 verse ...
Kaffāraℎ (major expiation) is compulsory upon a husband who revokes ...
The main reason of transport used by the Arabs in the desert was ...
Islam encourages every Muslim to seek a lawful livelihood through ...
The pronouncement of Kalimatush -shahadah makes a person ...
The state into which the pilgrim enters before the time of Hajj is ...