The Muslim ruler of Mali who embarked on a celebrated pil...
The Muslim ruler of Mali who embarked on a celebrated pilgrimage of Makkah in the 11th Century C.E was
Muhammad Bello
Muhammad Askia
Sheikh b. Fodiye
Mansa Musa
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The weakest faith acording to Hadith 34 of an-Nawam is changing an evil with the ...
How many Caliphs did the Glorious Qur’an pass through before its standardization? ...
The sources of the Sharī ‘ah include ...
Which of the following sets, according to ā'yatul Kursiyy; is ‘Allāh not susceptible to?...
"Surely, we created man of the best stature, then, we reduced him to the lowest of low save tho...
Suratul Asr consists of ______ verses. ...
The yathribite who accepted islam at the first treaty of Asalah ...
One of these is a lesson learnt from the Suratul Kafirun ...
In sūrah 17:23 ‘Allāh decrees that ...
Who among the six compilers of Hadith became blind before his death? ...