The Sūraℎ which declares that there is no compromise i...
The Sūraℎ which declares that there is no compromise in religion is
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Reference is made to the migration of 622 C.E. in an-Nawawi's Hadith ...
The last child of prophet Mohammad (SAW) is ...
Which of the following is not a characteristics of makkan suwar? ...
The verse above in sūrah al-Lahab means ...
The prophet (SAW) open da'wah earned him ...
The six books of sound AHadits are known as ...
Kaffāraℎ (major expiation) is compulsory upon a husband who revokes ...
The Glorious Qur’ǻn takes precedence over the Hadith in that ...
One of the following is not part of the names of the Qu’ran. ...