A muslim is advised to say _________ when leaving the toi...
A muslim is advised to say _________ when leaving the toilet.
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
How many times does a Muslim pay zakat in a year? ...
The Prophet (SAW) died in which year? ...
Who among the following was killed at the battle of Badr? ...
The number of takbir observed during salah al-Janāzah is ...
prophet muhammed (SAW) left Taif because ...
Alam yaj'al khaydahum fi tadleel is translated as ...
Tat fif is condemned is islamic economic system because it ...
Tayammum and wudu are vitiated by the following except _______ ...
‘And consult them in the affairs …’(Qur’ān 3:159). This expression emphasi...