What is the percentage of marks obtained by the student i...
In a school the periodical examination are held every second month. In a session during April 2001 - March 2002, a student of Class IX appeared for each of the periodical exams. The aggregate marks obtained by him in each perodical exam are represented in the line-graph given below.
Marks Obtained by student in Six Periodical Held in Every Two Months During the Year in the Session 2001 - 2002.
Maximum Total Marks in each Periodical Exam = 500
What is the percentage of marks obtained by the student in the periodical exams of August, 01 and Oct, 01 taken together ?
Correct answer is B
Required percentage = [ (370 + 385)/(500 + 500) x 100 ] % = ( 755/1000 x 100 ) % = 75.5%.
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