The Prophet (S.A.W) ordered some of the Muslims to emigra...
The Prophet (S.A.W) ordered some of the Muslims to emigrate to Abyssinia
in order to be far away from Makkah
because he wanted them to preach Islam to the Negus
in order to go beyond the reach of their persecutors
because of Bilateral relation
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
When Muhammad(S.A.W) sought for protection in Ta'if in 620 C.E. he was ...
Taqrīr, as a kind of Sunnah, means the ...
The monogamous life of Prophet muhammed (S.A.W) lasted for ...
Hadith 4 of An-Nawawi's collection is about the complete ...
The following are authors of Sihahus-Sitta except ...
The only child who survived the prophet (S.A.W) ...
Makkah is referred to in the Quran chapter 95 verse 3 as the city of ...
Taharah simply means _______ ...
Which of the following is not among the articles of Faith? Belief in the ...