The blow of the trumphet at resurrection is the duty of a...
The blow of the trumphet at resurrection is the duty of angel
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The division of the Qur'an into sixty equal parts is known as ...
Suratul-Fatihah (Q.1:5) admonishes muslims to ...
The cave of hira is associated with the ...
The danger of reading the Qur'an different dialect was averted during the caliphate of ...
Uthman b. Affan was born to the family of Banu ...
Ar-Rahmān as one of the attributes of Allāh implies that He is ...
A muslim travelling beyond fifty miles must ...
Muhammed (SAW) went to Ta'if in 620 A.D to ...
Which of the following sets, according to ā'yatul Kursiyy; is ‘Allāh not susceptible to?...