Kaffāraℎ (major expiation) is compulsory upon a husban...
Kaffāraℎ (major expiation) is compulsory upon a husband who revokes
Li 'ān
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The Glorious Qur'ān is a guidance for ...
The pilgrimage of the tenth year of Hijrah was called Haijul, Wada because it ...
‘wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad’ This verse of the Qur’ān (112:4) says that Allah...
The following terms are relevant to marriage and divorce except ...
Who among the following is not entitled to zakat? ...
Which of the following sets, according to ā'yatul Kursiyy; is ‘Allāh not susceptible to?...
In the course of hijjat'l - widā, Muslims were taught to ...