The Nisab is important because it is the basis of
...The Nisab is important because it is the basis of
Correct answer is D
Nisab is the minimum amount that a muslim must have before being obliged to give zakat. Zakat i determined based on the amount of wealth acquired; the greater one's assets, the greater the zakat value.
The first friday congregation salat was held in the year ...
The verse above in sūrah al-Lahab means ...
the central theme of Hadith 41 of an-Nawawi is ...
How many times does the word al-Qadr occur in the Qur'an chapter 97? ...
Jihād against the carnal self is a ...
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The first African country to have contacts with Islam was ...
Uthman b. Affan was born to the family of Banu ...
In the course of hijjat'l - widā, Muslims were taught to ...
In which verse of the Qur’ān are women directed to dress modestly? ...