The Sūrah that tells us the story of how the Ka’ab...
The Sūrah that tells us the story of how the Ka’abah was delivered from destruction is
Correct answer is C
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Qur’an 22:31 likens one who assigns partners to ‘Allāh to that who had fallen from heav...
The second treaty of al-‘Aqabah was a turning point because Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) ...
Which of the angels is in charge of paradise? ____ ...
The first person to accept Islam amongst the slaves was ______ ...
A major activity in Salah performed through various bodily postures is known as ...
One of the lessons taught in sūrah 'al- Mā'un is that ...
The Tafstr of the Glorious Qur’ān which is modern in its approach to commentary is known as ...
An advantage of the Hijrab to the yathrib was that ...
The type of revelation experienced in the form of vision(s) is ...
Where the father is the only heir who survives his son, he will inherit ...