The success of the business venture which Muhammed (S.A.W...
The success of the business venture which Muhammed (S.A.W) carried out for Khadījah was due mainly to
Khadījah’s love for him
the fact that he was a prophet
his dedication and honesty
the skill and hardwork of his assistants
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
‘Allāℎ’s existence is often demonstrated in the Glorious Qur’ān by reference t...
One of the peculiarities of Sahih Bukhari is that hadiths are sorted according to ...
A decision taken in the interest of the public becomes ...
To maintain the quality of Taqwā one has to be ...
Sūrah 2:195 above can be interpreted as discouraging ...
The Prophet’s uncle who lost his life in the battle of Badr was ...
The term Khitbah in marriage contract means ...
The next place for a Muslim to spend the night after ‘Arafat is ...
The number of takbir observed during salah al-Janāzah is ...