If you listen with the question carefully, you will be ab...
Read the sentence below to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Choose the option with that part as your answer. If there is no error, choose 'D' as your answer. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
If you listen with the question carefully, you will be able to answer them easily
If you listen with
the question carefully,
you will be able to answer them easily
No error.
Correct answer is A
If you listen to
The reason why he wrote the letter was because he could not contact him over the phone. ...
He became enamored ...... her grace when he first saw her dance. ...
S1: She said on the phone that she would report for duty next day. P : We waited for few days, th...
The chairman initiated the proceedings with a brief speech. ...
The project did not appear to hold out bright prospects. ...
What is the synonym of DISTANT? ...
Which of the following should be the fifth sentence ? ...
1. do 2. today 3. you 4. must 5. it ...
The meaning of 'glittering prizes that the 20th century so temptingly offers' is ...