A thermometer records 680 mmHg at steam point and 440 mmH...
A thermometer records 680 mmHg at steam point and 440 mmHg at ice point. The temperature it records at 380 mmHg is
Correct answer is A
\(\frac{440 - 380}{680 - 380} = \frac{0 - x}{100 - x}\)
= -25oC
Which of the following statements is not true of nuclear fission? ...
Which of the following substances undergoes sublimation? ...
The surface temperature of a swimming pool on a warm day is 25ºC and the temperature at the bot...
When cold water is poured on a can containing hot water, the can collapses because the? ...
In the diagram above, the ratio of the electric power dissipated in the 6Ω and the 3Ω re...