Another reason for pharmaceutical companies beefing up th...
Read the sentence below to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Choose the option with that part as your answer. If there is no error, choose 'D' as your answer. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
Another reason for pharmaceutical companies beefing up their OTC (Over the Country) divisions is that prescription drugs with proven safety records which have been reached the end of the their patent protection periodare allowed to be sold without a prescription.
Another reason for pharmaceutical companies beefing up their
OTC (Over the Country) divisions is that prescription drugs with proven safety records which have been reached
the end of the their patent protection periodare
allowed to be sold without a prescription.
No error
Correct answer is B
OTC divisions is that prescription drugs with proven safety records which have reached
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