In demonstrating the importance of mineral elements in pl...
In demonstrating the importance of mineral elements in plants, the culture bottle must be darkened to?
prevent algal growth in culture solution
allow root growth
prevent breakdown of mineral elements
prevents photosynthesis in the root
Correct answer is A
Always use a completely opaque water storage tank - Algae uses photosynthesis to reproduce.
which of the following practices will not maintain soil fertility? ...
The outward appearance or an organism is referred to as ...
Turgidity in the cell of plant does not easily lead to bursting of the cell because the ...
Which of the following is an autotrophic mode of nutrition? ...
Autotrophs include all the following EXCEPT ...
The organ responsible for equalising air pressure in the ear is the ...
In Mendel's experiments, it was discovered that the skin of an African can be attributed to ...