The method suggested in the lecture enables a student to ...
Read the sentence below to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Choose the option with that part as your answer. If there is no error, choose 'D' as your answer. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
The method suggested in the lecture enables a student to learn more quickly and to have remembered for a longer period of time.
The method suggested in the lecture
enables a student to learn more quickly
and to have remembered for a longer period of time.
No error.
Correct answer is C
and to remember for a longer period of time
"Organic system" as related to the organization implies its ...
What is the opposite of GRACEFUL? ...
The world has seen small real attempt at population and resource planning. ...
It was done in a haphazard manner. ...
What is the opposite of COMFORT? ...
Find the correctly spelt word. ...
S1: A man can be physically confined within stone walls. P : But his mind and spirit will still b...
The Himalayan caterpillar uses prominent colours to ...
At present juncture however, the supercomputer would be a costly toy. ...