Which system of government allows for and guarantees maxi...
Which system of government allows for and guarantees maximum competition?
Social Democracy
Correct answer is B
Capitalism is an economic system where private entities own the factors of production. It allows for maximum competition as businesses compete for the same resources and customers in a free market to achieve profit maximization.
The right that enables citizens to express their electoral preferences is ...
A system whereby there is only one legislative chamber parliament is referred to as ...
Which of the following negates the principle of the rule of law? ...
Citizens exercise their sovereignty by ...
The main goal of the NNDP was to ...
The theory of separation of powers was for the first time clearly formulated by ...
Which political party was known for its socialist ideology and populist policies in the 1980s? ...
The responsibility for admitting new members to the OPEC rests with the ...
The philosophy and fundamental law country are contained in her ...