A group of organism of the same species living together i...
A group of organism of the same species living together in a particular area is described as
Correct answer is C
Population is a group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time, and which are capable of interbreeding.
Which of the following animals is cold blooded? ...
In genetics, test cross is used to ...
The above organism can be classified under which phylum in the animal kingdom ...
The instrument used to measure the rate of transpiration in plants is called a/an ...
When a plant shows reddish leaves, the soil is deficient in ...
Legumes incorporate nitrogen gas into their proteins because ...
Evaporation and transpiration are respectively represented by the components labelled ...
The thoracic vertebra differs from all the other vertebrae by the possession of ...
A group of organisms of different species living in a particular area is described as a ...