The basic unit of every political organization in the Igb...
The basic unit of every political organization in the Igbo pre-colonial era was the
village council
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The anonymity of civil servant means that he ...
Which of the following is a demerit of bicameral legislature? ...
The type of party system in practice is defined by the ...
One of the foremost theorists of federalism was ...
Which of the following is not a purpose of election? ...
Frequents military coup d'etats which topple elected governments negatively affect and stall&nbs...
The process of international integration arising from the inter-change of world views,&nbs...
Which of the following is a characteristic of democracy ...
The main function of the federal character commission in Nigeria is ...
In a confederation,the constituency that a member of the legislature represents is a ...