One of the features of rule of law is that an
...One of the features of rule of law is that an
offender is a deterrent
accused is a culprit before trial
accused must receive fair hearing
accused is an offender
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
During the cold war, Nigeria's foreign policy was characterized by ...
A form of government which has its slogan to be 'ruling of the best' is__________ ...
One of the limitations on freedom of speech is ...
One major achievement of the Richards Constitution of Nigeria was that it ...
Nigeria formally became a federation in ...
The Secretary General of the United Nations is appointed by the ...
A federal system of government can exist without ...
A constitution that requires a plebiscite or a referendum to be amended is ...
In federal system of government , the component units ...
One significant aspect of the legislative council of 19922 was that ...