Professor lbrahim Gambari was the Special Assistant ...
Professor lbrahim Gambari was the Special Assistant to the United Nations Secretary General on____________
Security matters
African affairs
Political and social matters
The Economic Commission of Africa.
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Communist governments aim at distributing goods and services according to? ...
The type of governmnet in which citizen's rights and duties were based on system of the land ten...
The bringing of a session of a parliament to an end through royal proclamation is known as ...
The form of government headed by a king is ...
The reason behind Nigerian's suspension from the Commonwealth in 1995 was ...
Parliamentary supremacy implies all the following except that ...
The system that allows the opposition to participate in governance is ...
Which of the following did not generate political crises in Nigeria? The ...
A popular British colonial system of administration in the protectorates in West Africa was ...