Which of the following was not responsible for the coalit...
Which of the following was not responsible for the coalition between A. G and N. C. N. C.?
The kano riot of 1953
Awolowo's faction seeking to get N. P. C. out of power as opposed to Akintola's option
contest for the federal election of 1964
Akintola's faction which broke out of A. G. to form UPP
Correct answer is A
All the following options facilitated the coalition of the action Group and the National Council of the Nigerian Citizens except the The Kano Riot of 1953
What is detente in international relations? ...
Local governments are created to ...
Quota system and federal character principles were entrenched in the 1979 constitution to ensure ...
One way by which the legislature checks the executive is by ...
The head of Nigeria's foreign mission in a Commonwealth nation is known as ...
Under the emirate system, the commander of the army is the _____ ...
Which of the following controls government expenditure ? ...
To have an orderly society a state needs ...
Direct democracy emanated from the ...
The Barclay's Bank and the British Petroleum Company in Nigeria were nationalized in the late 19...