The basis of the Nigerian foreign policy thrust particula...
The basis of the Nigerian foreign policy thrust particularly during the Independence Constitution era was ... in nature
Correct answer is A
Afrocentrism is the term used to describe the nature and interests of the Nigerian foreign policy targets withy preference for African neighboring States.
The type of government that is headed by a king or queen is called ...
A specialized agency of the United Nations Organization is the ...
Nigeria's active role in the liberation of some countries in Southern Africa earned her ...
A benefit which a country seeks to achieve in her relations with other nations is called ...
The primary essence of a public corporation is__________ ...
Which of the following is not a purpose of election? ...
The Commission on Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration is an organ of ...
The major demand of the Third World countries on the United Nations in recent times is the ...
Which of the following is true of a Public Corporation it is? ...
The late development of nationalism in French West Africa was due to ...