S1: But how does a new word get into the dictionary?
...In the question below, the passage consists of six sentences. The first and sixth sentences labelled S1 and S6 respectively, have been ordered correctly. The middle four sentences have been jumbled up. These are labelled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order for the four sentences.
S1: But how does a new word get into the dictionary?
P : When a new dictionary is being edited, a lexicographer collects all the alphabetically arranged citation slips for a particular word.
Q : The dictionary makers notice it and make a note of it on a citation slip.
R : The moment new word is coined, it usually enters the spoken language.
S : The word then passes from the realm of hearing to the realm of writing.
S6: He sorts them according to their grammatical function, and carefully writes a definition.
The Proper sequence should be:
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
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