The organ of the UN that served as custodial of some Afri...
The organ of the UN that served as custodial of some African countries prior to their independence is _________?
The international court of justice
the security council
the trusteeship council
the general assembly
Correct answer is C
The custodial role of the UN is associated with being responsible for administering trust territories.
Which of the following was not a feature of the 1922 elective principle in Nigeria ? ...
Baron Montesquieu was noted for the theory of ...
NEPAD was adopted during the OAU summit held in _________ ...
One of the low points in the cabinet system of government is that, the ...
The Untied Nations's Day is celebrated on ...
Which of the following countries was not involved in the peace-keeping effort in Liberia ? ...
Which of the following controls government expenditure ? ...
Which of the following is true of the nationalist during the colonial days?The ...