Which of the sentences should come second
Rearrange the following five sentences in proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the question given below.
Which of the sentences should come second in the paragraph ?
Correct answer is E
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
All such students P : get success Q : who are honest and hard-working R : and recognition ...
What is the synonym of CONNOISSEUR? ...
We were still standing in the queue when the film was beginning. ...
Salim and Antony are such good friends that one won't go to the pictures, without his coming too...
His interpretation of the poem is superficial. ...
Do not imagine that Peter is really sorry that his wife died. Those are only crocodile tears. ...
We have helped them not only with money but also with new machinery and raw material. ...
The reason Richard is absent from his duty is because he is unwell. ...