It was an extremely pleasant surprise for the hutment-dwe...
In the question below, an incomplete statement (Stem) followed by fillers is given. Pick out the best one which can complete the incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully.
It was an extremely pleasant surprise for the hutment-dweller when the Government officials told him that ......
he had to vacate hutment which he had been unauthorisedly occupying
he had been gifted with a furnished apartment in a multi-storeyed building
he would be arrested for wrongfully encroaching on the pavement outside his dwelling
they would not accede to his request
they had received the orders from the court to take possession of all his belongings
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
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He was sure that he should win the Prize. ...
One who does not believe in existence of God ...
We must take it granted that Jason will not come for today's function. ...
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Having superior or intellectual interests and tastes ...
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